Search Results
Idiot driver - through a red light then into my lane-
Idiot turning from wrong lane gets flashed by red light camera
Probationary driver FaceTiming while driving through red lights in wrong lanes. June 2021
Idiot Driver Does U Turn Into My Lane
Idiot Drivers S01E05 - Lets ride the merging lane till the end then stop
Idiot driver dangerously weaves through the motorway lanes
Idiot stops in middle of three lane road, then decides to turn.
Bad Drivers of Watauga county NC: Driver cuts into my lane
Idiot jumps red traffic lights on Old Hall Lane, Sale. (16th June '18)
BAD Driving Australia - if all else fails just add another lane and go through the redlight!
Idiots in cars (guy blow through red light by using turning lane)
Idiot driver changes 2 lanes at once right into my lane